Saturday, June 26, 2010

45 more days (roughly 6 weeks) to ORD
I was relocated to a new place completely shut out from the world.
Hand phone reception was poor.
I volunteered for any task which kept me occupied so that time wouldn't just "crawl."

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Thursday, June 3, 2010


Good news and bad news.

Bad news is that I am back in camp.
I owe 'them' 83 days of service.
amounts to 2 months 3 weeks. FML.
fortunately I am taking on a much more passive role.

Good news is that I've gotten my results and my efforts paid off well.
a first-class honors. my goal met.
despite so, my supposedly secured job, under some unlucky circumstances, is now unconfirmed.
to hedge the risk, i am rethinking my goals and applying for more jobs.

i m dead broke. 10 June 2010, please come soon. i need my allowance.

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