Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I was in a bad shape and mentally bruised yesterday.
So, alone I took a bus home at night, leaving a friend bewildered at my choice over the usual MRT way home.
I needed to escape from the harsh lights and cacophony of chatter.
And a slow bus ride coursing through isolated roads was nearly perfect.
The bus was half-vacated, relatively cooling and dim.
And I enjoyed watching the world flew by.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Shuffling between two universities is like switching between two firefox browser tabs.
If only it's as easy.
I still struggle to keep awake for the afternoon 3-hour classes in SMU by drinking coffee.
But it doesn't really help.
The Dark Age has once again begun, threatening to overrule my CNY public holidays.
I foresee that I would be playing catch-up through CNY.
Probability of minimal CNY visiting is 1.
Oh yes, I'm taking a statistics class this semester and I know I'm poor at that. So dead.
And I see people falling asleep in statistics class.
I figured that either because the materials are too easy for them,
or because the materials are incomprehensible(that applies to me).
someone save me.
It's week 1 for NUS and week 2 for SMU.
all's merry and happy, especially with CNY arriving.
I read the zodiac and horoscopes forecasts every year.
It's supposed to be good year for the Rat.
I hope it comes true.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Going to school didn't feel like going to school.
Beautiful campus. New faces.
I took my first class yesterday.
The professor's nice. The materials are also interesting.
But still, the 3-hour class almost put me to sleep.
I probably can't sit still for long, especially without talking to anyone beside me.
That just isn't me.
I'm almost always restless and doodling in lectures. or sleeping.
Maybe I'll try harder to know more people.

Monday, January 5, 2009


I'm back to school in a few hours time!
plan to have Mac Donald's breakfast and sip some hot coffee before going to school.
excited but not prepared yet.
Perhaps a change of environment will make life less boring.
My primary goals for this semester:
  • make more friends at SMU;
  • and score an A/A+ for Operating Systems in NUS (I like technical modules!).

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New beginnings.
I'm not ready.
School's starting on 5th January.
I need more rest.