Saturday, January 17, 2009


Shuffling between two universities is like switching between two firefox browser tabs.
If only it's as easy.
I still struggle to keep awake for the afternoon 3-hour classes in SMU by drinking coffee.
But it doesn't really help.
The Dark Age has once again begun, threatening to overrule my CNY public holidays.
I foresee that I would be playing catch-up through CNY.
Probability of minimal CNY visiting is 1.
Oh yes, I'm taking a statistics class this semester and I know I'm poor at that. So dead.
And I see people falling asleep in statistics class.
I figured that either because the materials are too easy for them,
or because the materials are incomprehensible(that applies to me).
someone save me.
It's week 1 for NUS and week 2 for SMU.
all's merry and happy, especially with CNY arriving.
I read the zodiac and horoscopes forecasts every year.
It's supposed to be good year for the Rat.
I hope it comes true.

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